Hello, hello world, it's a while I don't stay put and write something on my blog, but here I am, and this post is not about Vermeer's painting called "Girl with a Red Hat" but about me :). Even though I love Vermeer's masterpieces, my favorite from all "The Girl with a Pearl Earring", ( ...
Not the same Sunday in Florence!
This supposed to be just a blog post about a happy day in my own city Florence. Unfortunately after the terrible things that happened in the Center of Italy, and I am talking about the human loss and terrible disasters that hit my beautiful country caused by earthquakes, is very hard to act normal. Nothing will be the same. I feel so deeply said about this.
My Sunday also won’t be the same Sunday. When I’ll put the first steps into the church my mind will fly to “them”.
My prayers will go to all the families that lost their loved ones, their belongings and their homes.