You notice right!? I am more then happy. And the reason is very simple. Give me a pool, specially with no other around, and I’m the happiest person in the world. I love to swim so summer is my favorite season. This time however I found not only a nice place where to exercise my abilities, but I found a real paradise.
I enjoy talking to you about this as I am so proud about my Italy. This time I will take you to the South of Italy. My father’s roots came from this amazing place called Puglia. Each and every piece of my beautiful country is unique and special, but in my heart I will always keep in a special part all the gorgeous moments I spend here.
Happened that in this summer, for two times in a row, we stayed to the same hotel called Villaggio San Giovanni, a luxurious place that keeps the atmosphere and perfume of old times. In fact, the place used to be a feudal manor farm, now a gorgeous structure for unforgettable vacation, wedding celebration or any other important event in your life.
To the following link you can find detailed information. I will resume myself to publish some pictures I get the chance to do here:
Amazing pool and surroundings:
Magic atmosphere:
Curated details:
Villaggio San Giovanni is just the best hotel where you can spend time with yourself and forget about all negativity and stress that might torment you.
Do not think that even I am only 8 years old I do not have my own troubles. Third grade was really tough, I have lot of homework during this vacation, so even me need some time for relaxing and recharge the batteries. 🙂
And just in case you were wondering where I bought this gorgeous swimsuit, here you can find the direct link to BONPRIX ONLINE STORE for a nice SHOPPING experience:
Photo credit BONPRIX website.