Getting the perfect tan!? For sure there is no spray or any other artificial product that could replace the effect of the sun on your skin like the one you get while enjoying a Caribbean beach. I was just thrilled to be able to do this and spending time, even if just for a few hours, on a beach at the Bahamas, more exactly to Nassau.
Even if the day start with a cloudy sky that made me wonder if it’s worth getting off the cruise ship and go to the beach, the rest of the day was just perfect.
I must say that I am a little envy with my dad because he just need few rays of sun and he became tanned.
I have my mom skin and even after lot of time spent under the sun I only catch some color and nothing more.
But I feel to say just be careful because even on a cloudy day, the Caribbean sun burns without you even notice.
Hope soon to be able to go back to the Bahamas and for sure I won’t miss this amazing place everyone talked about. I only could see it from far away, but for sure is a destination to be considered for the future.
The local people say that is the best place to spend time with family. There are a lot of choices for having fun and spend the days in an unique way.
I am talking about The ATLANTIS. You can find all information at the following link http://www.atlantisbahamas.com
Happy trip! Hope you all have great Vacation and share with me places worth visiting!